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A software that will generated a Scenarist script from both a VOBID and PGC demux
Language: English
Ease of use: Not Rated
Latest Version: (details)
OS Support: Windows 2000 Windows XP
License: Freeware
Last Updated:
Page Viewed: 23266 times


Download: Version 1.7.0 beta (Full)   Version 1.7.0 beta (Full)

Description:Download the latest beta version of ScenAid (full package)
Size:987 KB

Download: Version 1.7.0 beta to beta Updater   Version 1.7.0 beta to beta Updater

Description:Download the ScenAid beta update patch
Size:327 KB

Download: Version 1.0 Final (Full)   Version 1.0 Final (Full)

Description:Download the ScenAid full install package
Size:1.05 MB

Screenshots & Images:



From the Readme :

ScenAid is the first and only DoItFast4U! utility allowing you process your demuxed folder and generate a Scenarist script from both a VOBID and PGC demux.

Current Features Include:
  • Ability to process your PGC Demux directories
  • Ability to process your VOB Demux directories
  • Direct interface to BatchCCE allowing for more accurate chapter location
  • Full integration with all current versions of Scenarist (Including accurate chapter and sub locations in Scenarist 3.0
  • Ability to post process your audio assets to correct for and prevent duration errors in Scenarist
  • Ability to scan your assets and correct for most ".5 frame" errors in Scenarist
  • Visual layout of your demuxed assets
  • Visual layout of the IFO's processed
A VIP mode can be unlocked by donations


Supported File Formats:

Input Files: DVD
Output Files: DVD

OS Compatibility:

Windows 2000/Windows XP

Revision History:

  • Release Date: Sep 28, 2005
  • Fixes a bug that produced missing subtitles when using Scenarist
  • Minor script updates

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